An exploration of the sacred teachings of
Mary Magdalene & the Mysteries of the Rose

Is she calling to you?
She's been known to speak through poem, song, whisper and scent.
She'll visit you when you’re on the ground in the dirt with tears pouring from your eyes.
Also when you're quiet and resting with a soft inner smile.
Most often she'll come when you least expect it.
She likes when you sing to her and when you offer roses to water.
She listens and waits for you to take notice to begin a dialogue.
She loves communing heart to heart across the veil...
and she has a whole lot to say right now.
Have you been called to deepen your connection with Mary and the Rose lineage?

A 6-month intimate journey for healing, learning and growing within the feminine path of wisdom
+ May 4, 2022 - Oct 5, 2023
+ 12 2-hour calls (every 2 weeks)
+ Monthly themes
+ Guest Speakers
+Bonus Workshops
+ Access to Temple of the Rose library
+ Tools and practices
+ Community group

Together we'll learn how to listen and attune to the rose frequency so we may be more like a chalice - a sacred vessel of love.
As women, we carry the sacred waters of life within our bodies.
We are sexual creative beings by nature and love is at our core.
When we remember this, joy and ecstasy can flow from within.

Tending the Sacred Flame
Each month we'll explore a new theme. This will come in the form of guided meditations, rituals, excerpts from books / teachings, and our collective listening and attunment to what's arising in our community.
All calls will be held at 12pm PST. They last 2 hours and it's encouraged to attend them, though not required. Recordings will be sent out within 24 hours.
Month 1: Vessel & Veil
Thursday, May 4
Thursday, May 18
Month 2: Milk & Blood
Thursday, June 1
Thursday, June 15
Thursday, June 29
Month 3: The Blade
Thursday, July 13
Thursday, July 27
Month 4: Honey in the Heart
Thursday, August 10
Thursday, August 24
Month 5: The Sacred Spring
Thursday, September 7
Thursday, September 21
Month 6: Doves
Thursday, October 5
An invitation to a closing group retreat.

Teachings reveal themselves at different times in our lives.
You may be going through a phase of deep healing, being called to rise in your personal power, or ready for partnership and family - wherever you are, you have medicine to share, and medicine to receive from another woman. The beauty is that we all have different facets of ourselves that we're working through. In this journey we'll be exploring different themes relating to the archetypes; Healer, Priestess and Lover.

The Healer
+ Healing the mother wound and relationship to the Divine Mother and Sacred Feminine.
+ Healing the father wound and relationship to the Divine Father and Sacred Masculine.
+ Energetic awareness, cultivation & hygiene as a daily practice.
+ Returning to center and recalibrating Self when out of work / life balance.
+ Honoring and working with your sacred moon blood to make offerings to the Earth.
The Priestess
+ Living a path of devotion and service to something greater.
+ Being in communion with Spirit everyday.
+ Walking The Beauty Way, and infusing all areas of your life with loving awareness.
+ Embodying the warrior, unwavering in your truth and presence.
+ Identifying and embracing your uniqueness and special gifts.
The Lover
+ Self-care and beauty rituals as a way of life.
+ Cultivating sacred sexuality and honoring your body as an Altar for Love.
+ Coming into right relationship with all things.
+ Releasing unhealthy patterns, practicing forgiveness.
+ Opening to love and embracing healthy partnership.
+ Cultivating Divine Union within.

You'll feel wings wrapped around you - safe, nourished and supported as you tend your inner landscape.
This journey will feel like you're being bathed in water... purifying, easeful, fluid, intuitive and strengthening.
This journey will feel like you're being warmed by light...illuminating, invigorating and transmuting old energies.
This journey will feel like you're being stabilized by the earth...held like a grandmothers hug and grounding like a big oak tree.
This journey will feel like a breath of fresh air... like wind in your sails, inspiring, expanding, liberating and a deep exhale.

Who is Mary Magdalene?
Historically she was portrayed as harlot in the Bible, however in 2016 she was placed back on her throne and acknowledged by Pope Francis as the Apostle to the Apostles.⠀⠀
Mythically she is a lover and great spiritual teacher symbolizing the Chalice, the Holy Grail, the Vessel – the Sacred Feminine principle that flows through all of us.
Many believe that she was not only Jesus's apostle but she was also his beloved, tantric sexual partner, spiritual consort and successor.
She was a holy being, a high priestess – an embodied woman.
The Symbol of the Rose
Across centuries and cultures the rose has been a powerful symbol. Many refer to her as the Queen of Flowers.
The petals of the rose teach us how to be soft, delicate and tender. The thorns teach us how to have clear boundaries and honor what is Sacred.
The rose represents wholeness, sovereignty and generosity - this is why she is considered the Queen. She knows her worth and gives abundantly of her beauty and gifts.
The rose encompasses the full spectrum, from petal to thorn. Similarly, as women we have the capacity to embody a full range of expression.

"Oh you, whose heart is a rose, a daughter of cycle and season and the sacred vessel of a thousand names. We praise you, a chalice of the mysteries, as you tone the songs of love and devotion through the rhythms of time."
- A Hymn to Mary Magdalene


Over the course of 15 years I've dedicated my life to studying Temple Arts, Earth-based Feminine Wisdom, Eastern Spiritual Philosophy & Practice, Plant Medicine, Energy Healing, Cha Dao "The Way of Tea", Women's Holistic Health, and Masculine & Feminine Healing and Integration.
I'm passionate about supporting women in reconnecting with their intuitive wisdom, creativity, sensuality, beauty and power.
I believe that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe; it's the essence of who we are. I believe there is strength in softness.
I dream of living in a world where more women feel nurtured, celebrated and safe to live with their hearts open, and where they can fully blossom to give their unique gifts.
I love gathering women in sacred ways to learn, grow and celebrate each other's journey of remembering who they are.
To learn more, watch this interview on The Rose and softening into feminine essence.

I’ve spent so much of my life in the masculine, and for a while before entering this space have felt anxious, depressed, and lifeless. Since beginning my daily sacred morning ritual and yoga practice (going on 37 days!) and incorporating abhyanga into my life now, I have seriously felt transformed - like a whole different person. I feel like I am slowly “de-crusting” myself and reconnecting to my inner light. So thank you all for holding this space for me on my journey.
- Cindy
I came into this course fighting a huge creative block and with a strong desire to embrace more femininity and softness in my life and work. I had no idea what to expect and was in awe of the compassion, magic, and hope that brewed over these six months.
Rachel’s guidance, wisdom, and lovely, divine presence created what seemed an impossibility - a digital space that nurtured sisterhood with warmth and feeling. I’m ever grateful, not only for this time and the resulting free flow of creativity and softness, but for the strength, beauty and deep bond I feel with my sisters.
- Kasey
Rachel is the sweetest most gentle soul, with a profound wisdom and intelligence. The program is designed in a very smart and quite practical way, and tends to your body, mind and soul. It provides you with tools to grow, take care and become the best version of yourself, from meditation and breathing techniques to rituals and music, and with a circle of amazing sisters in a loving non-judging zone.
I am seeing improvements in all areas of my life as a result. To all those women out there that feel a bit disconnected from their feminine side, this is definitely a must. Rachel, thank you so much for creating it, and putting all your warm and loving energy into it.
- Carmen
I am so deeply thankful for the invitation to experience more joy and pleasure in my body. This months lessons really helped me feel alive and energetic. I was able to tap into and harness the power in my own eroticism.
I became so much more focused on the simple pleasures that exist in our bodies everyday. They are always there, waiting to be felt.
I found myself more open, more joyful, and honored a place in myself that often goes ignored. Thank you so much for this gift.
- Erin